Theodorakis, Xarchakos, Savvopoulos, Tsitsanis and Hadjidakis joined EDEM

EDEM proudly welcomes its new members Mikis Theodorakis, Stavros Xarchakos, Dionyssis Savvopoulos, Kostas Tsitsanis (heir of Vassilis Tsitsanis) and George Hadjidakis (heir of Manos Hadjidakis), five emblematic repertoires which are rightfully considered to be pillars of Greek music creation.

We are all looking forward to create a united, viable, modern Organization, which will operate with transparency and accountability for the benefit of all rightsholders. Standing united, Greek rightsholders can successfully overcome the disastrous impact of COVID-19 for the cultural market but also respond effectively to the multiple challenges that the sector faces under the present circumstances.